Andy Dodge

Profile Updated: August 28, 2024
Residing In: KC, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Carla
Children: Sarah, 1986
Megan, 1988
Matthew, 1989
Occupation (past/present): Sales, Technology Finance
Yes! Attending Reunion
Junior High?


Who was your advisor and what/ who do you remember from advisory?


Did you attend college? Which one? Do you remember other New Trier classmates who attended the same college? If so, who?

Rock Chalk


Tim Reed

School Story:

Went to Kansas University and Graduated with a Business degree.
Rented a large house near campus for three years and lived there with several friends. Enjoyed time at KU very much and spent much time following the Jayhawks football and basketball teams.
I also met my wife Carla Jane Tolin at KU (she was my neighbor) and married her at the chapel on campus in 1979.
Interviewed on campus my senior year and was offered a job in sales by Burroughs Corp to sell mainframe computers in Wichita, Ks.
Have been lucky to stay in touch with several New Trier friends thru the years, ski trips, Cubs games, golf, etc.

Andy's Latest Interactions

Andy Dodge updated his profile. View.
Aug 28, 2024 at 3:55 PM