New Trier East High School
Class of 1974

Reunion Cycling Tour
New Trier 1974 50th Reunion Cycling Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright Homes
We're going to have a cycling tour of Frank Lloyd Wright North Shore homes on Sunday of the reunion (September 29).
There will be 2 options:
Frank Lloyd Wright route #2 (about 10 miles)
routes/36531203 Frank Lloyd Wright routes #2 plus #3 (about 35 miles)
routes/36531203 https://ridewithgps.com/
routes/37222303 The group ride will start at 9:00 am at the Divvy Bike Docking Station, Lincolnwood Dr & Central St, Evanston, IL on Route #2.
Tentatively the plan is for a "casual" group to follow Route #2 returning to the start location for about a 10 mile ride. The entire group will stay together until we arrive at Sheridan Road. At that point, a "fast" group will jump onto Route #3, and return to the start location after about a 35 mile ride.
We've lined up tour guides for both groups who will give very brief presentations at the featured locations. The casual group will be led by tour creator Bruce Miller. The fast group will be led by Heidi Hoppe, an Illinois Institute of Technology adjunct professor of architecture.
Not quite sure you're ready for a 10 or 35 mile bike ride? Well the good news is that you have time to prepare for the ride.
Need to rent a bike? 1) rent a Divvy at the meeting location; 2) rent a hybrid bike from Glenview Cycle (847-998-5900 - mention that you learned about it from Randy ), or 3) rent a road bike from Trek Highland Park 847-433-8735.
Please reply via email to some of the questions below to randy.pickard@gmail.com
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Thanks to Bruce Miller and the Evanston Bike Club for compiling the Frank Lloyd Wright routes and the notes. Bruce will be one of the tour guides.
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