New Trier East High School
Class of 1974
Geoff Welch
Residing In: | Libertyvillle, IL USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Susan Marie |
Children: | Paige, Joseph, Colleen |
Occupation (past/present): | SVP Advertising/Marketing Executive |
Sports teams Indians, B-Ball, Football, Baseball
Baker University, Kansas
Geoff's Latest Interactions
Happy Birthday AL... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family as well. Your good buddy. Geoff
Happy B Day Chico! Great seeing you at he reunion. All the best to you and your Family!
Happy Birthday David! All my best. Geoff
Chip was a very nice gentleman, always! Glad I knew him and very sorry for the Families loss. My deepest condolances. Geoff
Laurel. You will be missed. Have a great trip abroad! Geoffrey
Happy Birthday Mimi! Geoffrey
Mary, Hi again! Hope you aren't PO'd at me? Geoff
Happy Birthday MNAK-T! Geoffrey
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